Awards and Club Captains History
Outstanding Contribution Award
2019Andy Baker
2021Andrew Graham
2023Christine Southam
Beginner of the Year Award
2015Helen Cupac
2016Glenda Howson
2017Bev Pasa
2018Chelsey Price
2019Suzanne Burgess
2020Rachel Murdoch
2021Robert Ainsworth
2022Jody Ferguson
2023Rob Bell
Member's Choice Award
2018Helen Cupac
2019Michael Holliday
2021Julie Dodd
2022Emma Taylor
2023Kev Iveson
Runner of the Year Award
2014Matt Begg
2015Lindsay Mechie
2016Beverley Armstrong
2017Daniel Mullinder
2018Steve Claringbold
2019Mark Emmerson
2020Rosie Holliday
2021Martin Grey
2022Mike Shaw
2023Gail Rajjayabun
Male Club Championship
Female Club Championship
2015Julie Story
2016Anni Stumpf
2017Julie Dodd
2018Emma McKnespiey
2019Gill Harding
2021Julie Dodd
2022Kerrie Fiddler
2023Julie Dodd
2024To be announced soon!
Club Captains
2017Nicola Jackson and Mark Drummond
2018Rosie Holliday and Andy Caven
2019Helen Cupac and Brian Hazlewood
2020Emma Taylor and Mike Holliday
20212020 captains continued due to COVID-19
2022Cath Wood and Matt Charlton
2023Fiona Moore and Kev Iveson
2024Julie Fell and Pete Fell
2025To be announced soon!
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